Line (unit)

The line is a unit of measurement, one line being equal to 112 of an English (prior to 1824) inch. It was defined as one-quarter of a barleycorn, which defined the inch even before 1066. The French (prior to 1799) ligne was simarly defined as 112 of the pouce (meaning "thumb", about an inch). Since the French pouce or inch was about 6% longer than the English inch, the "line" was similarly longer. The Russian liniya was defined as 110 of the diuym (inch) from the 16th to the early 20th century; the diuym itself was redefined as exactly an English inch by Peter the Great.[1] The German linie is described in the article German units of measurement as "usually 112 inch, but also 110". Since the Russian military and German manufacturing were major factors in arms procurement, the "110-inch line" became common terminology concerning weapons.

In use

In older botanical and zoological texts, it was a common customary unit, as in the term 'awns 3 to 4 lines long'. Even after the superior properties of the metric system were recognized for technical pursuits, existing tools frequently favored the use of customary units. Thus a 7.62 mm caliber round seems numerically arbitrary, until it is realised that 7.62 mm is 0.3 inches, .30 cal or three-lines. The 1891 Russian Mosin-Nagant rifle is known as the "three-line rifle" in Russian. Although rarely referred to as such, the 12.7 mm Browning HMG round is a "five-line" round. The actual calibre of the round would differ as the actual value of the inch would vary from country to country.

See also
